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Curious about personal branding photography in California?
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Virginie Consort may be one of the finest examples I’ve seen of the French Riviera embodied; elegant while also being easy going, discerning while also being easily delighted, Soft and slow moving while also being refined and relevant. Luminous and with a resume that will not only inspire your curiosity but give credibility to her ability to understand and serve you in your professional success, Virginie wants you to live a life of freedom; luxurious, chic and ambitious freedom. She wants you to find the power to craft a life of your own making and she’d be delighted to help you start that journey in her beautiful home town of Cannes. Let your self say yes, let yourself discover the magic of Virginie!
Curious about personal branding photography in Cannes?
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When I tell you that Emily Benson is in a retail mindset, you’ll like might be surprised to learn what I mean by that. A boutique business consultant and author, Emily has helped countless retail entrepreneurs make more money in their business, so they can have more fun in their life. After launching a very successful and totally original mobile store in Boston, Emily discovered how to keep a business with a healthy happy bottom line along with the owner having a healthy, happy life. A glowing example of a woman who is a YES to the unexpected adventure of life, together with her partner Greg these two are reinventing the rules of success and it is exactly that mindset that Emily wants to pass along to her clients. Either through listening to her podcast, reading her book or having the privilege of working with her in one of her dynamic groups, you’ll discover that having a retail business can b rewarding both financially and personally. Let Emily put you in a retail state of mind and get busy with the results you are dreaming of having.
Curious about personal branding photography in Paris?
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Curious about personal branding photography in Paris?
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The French have a name for an all consuming passionate love. The kind that can make the whole world disappear into your beloved and make passionate embraces as important as breathing. It’s called une amour fou, a crazy love, and Danyelle Gibson-Grant thinks everyone should have a helping. Passion passion passion is Dr. Gibson-Grant prescription. Almost two decades of research in her crazy wonderful partnership means Danyelle not only has the wisdom, she also has the personal experience of what it takes to keep a flame burning. Stylish and fun to the enth, if what you dream of is a love relationship that lights up the sky, go no further than this stunner for the how to make it so!
Curious about personal branding photography in Paris?
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Rumi says “All doubt, despair and fear become insignificant once the intention of life becomes love.” You don’t become a woman like Natalie Krishna accidentally. You become a woman like Natalie with intention and commitment and clarity of purpose. When you hear the story of Natalie’s evolution would have you drop jawed in awe and she will clearly inspire you. Until, she teaches you how to be your own. Driven to awaken in each of her clients the spark that allows them to be in action to fulfill their greatest dreams and desires, Natalie is a magnet for joy and will positively fill you with possibility.
Curious about personal branding photography in Paris?
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Passion purpose and profits! Adelena L. Chong knows how to virtuously bring those together in harmony. As she does with most of life itself, whether it is consulting with top tier VCs, mentoring promising young founders or hosting Facebook lives, Adelena pulls no punches, direct, open and bringing a world of joy to all of it. As spontaneous as she is disciplined and as fun as she is intelligent. An accomplished Speaker, Coach and an expert practitioner of the Universal Laws, when it comes to having a success mindset and transforming that into action, Adelena L. Chong is the real deal.
Curious about personal branding photography in Paris?
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To photograph is to hold one’s breath and all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.
I’ve never before heard the act I perform so often described so accurately as Henri Cartier-Bresson did here.
This is my fifth summer spending a month is Paris and even writing that I get a huge smile on my face and think “OMG, holy-huh? Seriously?!?! Wow! Wow! ” Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this gorgeous experience would be my life. That my time, my precious life, my day by day would be spent feeling as at home on the road and in beautiful Paris as I do anywhere, that my work would be spending luxurious days with incredibly smart open inspiring women, that I would get to use all my faculties and creativity to capture a fleeting gorgeous moment in their lives, one that defines them, their brands, their success and inspires other to say yes to dreams, to boldly, courageously and to recognize that they too are able to live beyond their wildest dreams.
Around this time of year, do you start to take stock of where life has led you, of what you have accomplished and what more there is you want to fulfill? I do and with just a few months left in 2017, I find myself focused to make each day, each photoshoot, each adventure one that is exceeds even my wildest dreams.
Here is to you living the last few months of 2017 with joy, courage and a whole lot of YES!
Humbled, Happy (beyond measure) and Grateful for the continued adventure,
p.s BIG NEWS!! We have just FIVE 2017 photoshoot dates left ; LA, San Francisco, New Orleans and Miami. Is one meant for you? If you are curious to discover if one is, contact us today for more details at www.wendykyalom.com/contact or by emailing us at service@wendykyalom.com