
Personal Branding Photography with Jamie Watkins in Los Angeles, CA

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Jamie Watkins will surprise you. You know those stories about someone who is faced with what on the surface is great adversity and has the potential to drag them down into pain and despair and instead becomes the thing that lead them to all that is wonderful and positive in their lives. Jamie Watkins is THAT STORY! Having been dealt a hard to diagnosis health crisis that lead her to debilitating pain and down a road of false assumptions about herself and her body, Jamie discovered through the healing not only her soul’s purpose but also the love of her life. A woman who deeply understands the cyclical nature of woman and how through putting exquisite attention on how to ally with our bodies and our cycles, we can live the kind of rich full and vibrant lives we were born to. If you want to have the secret to be regaled by life’s unexpected and on the surface un-welcomed moments, Jamie Watkins is uniquely designed to give it to you!


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Personal Branding Photography with Hannah Mang in Los Angeles, California

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Hannah Lisa Mang is slaying it in classic millennial style. Adhering to the contemporary ethos of offering everything and then letting go of the outcome, Hannah has a full professional plate of coaching, copy writing and travel working hard to deliver killer results and the whole time surrendering the fruits of her labors or in millennial speak not giving a f***. Sassy, Smart and with reverence for the Sacred, Hannah will surprise you with her out of the box way of doing business and life. A global citizen, this hot young woman is exemplifying straight out of the gate how to live life on your own terms. Take a note from her playbook and today choose living like you don’t give a …

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Personal Branding Photography with Kanelli Scalcoyannis in Miami, Florida

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Kanelli Scalcoyannis is a bright light, gregarious, effusive, easily one of the most enthusiastically loving and present women I know yet the side of Kanelli that I had the pleasure of witnessing and capturing this shoot was the deeply spiritual, intimately personal side of Kanelli that chooses going inward as often as she is sharing her joy with others. A mother, jazz vocalist, design consultantand life coach, Kanelli has that certain je ne sais quoi magnetism that makes following her a no brainer. From discovering the beauty of meditation to the possibility of having a soul fulfilling career to visiting the ancient feminine temples of Greece, this radiant South African beauty wants you to join her in having a luscious life.


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Personal Branding Photography with Jenny Falter Souto in Miami FL

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Buoyant, thoughtful and bold, Jenny Falter Souto has taken health and holistic vibrancy to a new level. A registered nurse by trade with a penchant for personal growth and a gold standard spirit of generosity, Jenny wants you to live well. Her own health and wellness takes into consideration the whole being; what we eat, how we move, our relationships, our livelihood, Jenny wants joy and fun to be at the center of all of it. As much as you will be delighted in the company of this bright woman, you will also find your self deeply moved by her authenticity, vulnerability and openness. Jenny has everything it takes to change lives and open your heart and mind to possibility.15390832_10154794488732641_4916935008040561886_n

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Personal Branding Photography with Merinda Garrett in San Francisco, CA

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With a background in interior innovation and a talent for curating disruptive conversations, Merinda Garrett wants you to fall in love with your life and for that love to be grounded in the objects you choose to surround yourself with and the daily rituals you choose to adopt. Merinda is not your typical modernist, she uses her sharp eye for design and pairs it with a well honed spiritual practice creating a program that helps you create a home where you can moment to moment be reminded of your dearest values. At a time in history when value is placed high on that which is intangible, untouchable, technological, it is refreshing to meet a woman who wants you to find freedom not through the latest new gadget but from the smooth touch of your favorite earthenware, the fresh air from your daily walk and the beauty of putting your pen to paper each morning to remember what truly makes you happy. Merinda Garrett is bringing us back to love.15541223_10154790670587641_2426198519875945218_n

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Personal Branding Photoshoot with Dr. Martina Zorc in New York, New york

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For me science is always sexy and when you work with a consultant whose expertise is in space industry technology and innovation who also values the elegant and luxurious, you know you are doing something right. It is a rare joy to work with a woman like Dr. Martina Zorc. Founder of “Zorc Spaces”, it is Martina‘s determination to make global impact as much as her creative thinking that is making waves and changing minds on this planet and undoubtedly, her bright confidence will serve making waves on other planets as well. It is easy in her presence to understand that her it is her directness and unrelenting determination that will support all of us in taking the next giant step for mankind


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Personal Branding Photography with Melissa Pharr in New York, New York

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Melissa Pharr is doing it right!! With a straightforward resolve and unwavering boldness to live life on her terms, Mel has created a successful and thriving business, manages a kick-a** team, delights in an envy-worthy marriage and takes each day on her terms. As much as she is a paradox, (having multiple six figure launches will learning tennis 5 days a week) the special sauce Melissa brings to her clients is tested and credible results driven coaching to help you ascend from being an underearner to being unforgettable, giving you everything you could possibly need to make it as big as you want and delivering all with faithful celebration and fun. I’m certain that if you have crossed paths with this smart, hot buoyant bombshell, you will have an unforgettable awareness that you too can fulfill your dreams and have a dance party while doing it. Now, that is a reason to celebrate.


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Personal Branding Photography with Jenn Bradshaw Almond in The Plains, Virginia

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Jenn Bradshaw Almond does everything hard; She loves hard, she works hard, she plays hard, she enjoys hard and she feels hard. You can not spend a moment with Jenn and not be absolutely certain of her desire to give you everything, all of her attention, consideration, wisdom and goodness. As a practiced and perceptive astrologer and medium, Jenn brings the sacred to the everyday and guides the modern woman to her own internal compass through the wisdom of the ages. Incorporating an arsenal of extraordinary modalities from farm to finish home crafted flower essence, modern-day moon ceremonies, reading the planets and stars of your birth and traditional kinesiology, this kind and open and creative woman wants to be your soulful confidant and coach on the miraculous journey of your life.


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