
Brand Photoshoot with Karen Claire Diaz in Santa Barbara, California

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With a heart as bright and warm as the California sunshine, Karen Claire Diaz wants you to stop the struggle and be free. A sharp smart background in sales and an ability to deeply see and understand those who have the pleasure of meeting her, Karen has taken these gifts and is shining a bright light on the up down, back forth most women feel about their bodies. She believes we deserve to feel satisfied with our food & life and that our personal happiness is essential. Working with clients who typically give everything to everyone else before considering their own needs, this thoughtful beauty wants to turn upside down what it means to be selfless and for it to start within, giving ourselves what it is we are wanting, embracing ourselves exactly as we are and with a full heart turning that fullness outward to others. Go ahead give it a try, Karen wants you to taste THAT kind of Freedom.

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Brand Photoshoot with Lucy Mckellar Genin in Santa Barbara, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Lucy McKellar Genin is not interested in short cuts. Adventurous and well spoken, open and down to Earth, Lucy wants you to have the practices and patience to take charge of your story. No stranger to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, Lucy has found a uniquely successful way to move through the debilitating doubt and into action creating a life you love. Through your work with her, Lucy wants you to start following your fear as you would a trusty navigator and through following it become a woman with confidence, unwavering purpose and a clear life’s path discovering just beyond your worry the great adventure you were destined for.

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Brand Photoshoot with Dana Bowman in Los Angeles, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

On first meeting Dana Bowman, you would never imagine anything in relation to this spritely luminescent down to earth women other than joy. These days, for the most part, you would be right AND would be remiss to not notice the depth, vulnerability and true heroine journey she has been on. As multifaceted as she is a delight to be with, Dana beautifully exemplifies the act of going fully for it to discover if it is right for you and a continuous willingness to pivot and redirect her boundless energy in service to realizing her dreams. Marveling at the way she has woven together being both a caring and deeply empathic nurse and wife while honoring and allowing her adventurous heart to not grow restless, is inspiration enough to seek her out. Couple that with her incredibly creative motivational goal setting, gratitude keeping accountability and you are sure to find your way to freedom with Dana.

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Brand Photoshoot with Kris Perry Apungan in San Francisco, California

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Kris Perry Apungan is not your everyday health coach. With an impressive range of wisdom ranging from reiki master to lifestyle architect to product design executive, this smart, savvy, and soulful woman has a head for transformation and a heart for adventure. She not only wants you to wake up each morning feeling well, she wants you to wake up inspired and excited about your life. As buoyant and delightful and a YES YES YES to life as she is calm, present and centered, Kris works with female business owners as well as c-level executives to find balance and fulfillment and to awake to a life they are grateful to live! {hair and makeup by Melissa Hoffmann Rangel}

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Brand Photoshoot with Jacquelyn Mitchell in San Francisco, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot
Jacquelyn Mitchell is not afraid to go the extra mile. What happens when you take a woman steeped in the wisdom of self development with an understanding of the commitment and resilience and sweat needed to achieve your goals and introduce her to the kind of longing and despair so many women feel when stuck in a position with a company with no prospect of growth? You get a coach who understands what it takes to find success and freedom in a place that previously felt hopeless, you get a coach who will not only cheer you on from the sidelines but will get dirty in service to getting you across that finish line, you get a mentor who wants you to have the corner office and enjoy the ride getting there, you get Jacquelyn Mitchell. Tested and capable, Jacquie will do what it takes to help you attain your dreams and start earning both the credibility and salary you deserve.

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Personal Branding Photography with Jacquie Somerville in Santa Monica, California

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There are few women I’ve met as uniquely fabulous as Jacquie Somerville. With a lilting South African voice like warm honey, an individually enchanting heroine’s tale and a decidedly outside the box rule book, Jacquie has made a life and living as an author, speaker and coach that dares you to be bold, to be daring, to be wholly you. Working with a prestigious clientele of women who want more fromlife than mere satisfaction, her scandalous practices and tools will awaken your courage and confidence to start realizing your fullest potential and living the kind of life you were meant to live, the kind you’ve dreamt of and the kind that will make your heroine’s journey wonderful, unexpected, adventurous and free of regret!

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Personal Branding Photography with Elena Agrizzi in Maui

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It is easy to see how trying to describe Elena Agrizzi of Magic Inspired Living by Elena Agrizzi can leave one wordless. Like a rainbow, she is a luminous prism of vision, joy, intelligence, inspiration and it is her connection with source, her vibrancy, her way of YESing life that can leave you speechless. Taking her desire that we all are living magic inspired life from one epically beautiful corner of the world to another, Elena has that unique combination of chutzpah, intuition and ability to activate her desires into reality through action. If you want to live a , there is no better role model. Elena’s practice is to live each day full out and when the Universe asks if she would like to play to sing back in her gorgeous lilting Italian voice YES YES YES!! When you live a life like Elena, there is no need to chase rainbows, they come out searching for you!

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Personal Branding Photography with Serena Sandstrom in Maui

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When you meet a visionary like Serena Sandstrom it is tough not to awaken your own potential. Risk taker, dreamer & innovator, there is something about being in the world of a woman whose depth of presence and wisdom is matched with a style as much effortless as impeccable that brings out the part of ourselves that wants for more, dreams for more and has the potential to make it so. A success coach and business mentor for driven and passionate women, Serena has developed a powerful method for recognizing our deep desires, tools to transform our personal and professional lives into the bright future we long for and is on a mission to give every entrepreneurial women the the most powerful asset she can have, a practice called Self Leadership. An hour spent in the company of Serena is likely to profoundly impact your ability to create results, having the privilege of getting to work with her or participate in one of her group programs will without a doubt change your life and transform you into the confident, fearless and dynamic leader you are destined to be.

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