
Personal Branding Photography with Stacey Morgenstern in San Francisco, California

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It is easy to have your world deliciously rocked by Stacey Morgenstern. When you first meet her; either slaying it on stage in front of a live audience of hundreds purpose-driven to health on a global scale for her thriving company Health Coach Institute / Holistic MBA, or in an intimate moment as a friend when her deep desire to have you feel cared for and contributed to is inescapable, maybe when you see her on bended knee as a fiercely devoted mama to her daughter who she wants nothing more for then to feel absolute belonging and love, maybe you first catch a glimpse of her in a ridiculously sexy uniform performing her poems where we all feel taken and free simultaneously or countless other moments that I have had the good fortune to witness and each time watched as the world and worldview of the recipient was rocked. As a vocal and experienced advocate of community as family and of it “taking a village” to live pleasurably,Stacey Morgenstern is one of a new generation of thought-leaders who would require a multi-hyphenated title something that would start with writer-speaker-poet-dreamer-mama-lover-entrepreneur-… and all that would fall short of genuinely describing the power that she wields. Stacey, I am forever changed by knowing you and being your friend is gift I deeply treasure! It is a privilege to have you driving change on such a massive scale and one that I hope to witness you doing for decades to come!


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Personal Branding Photography with Amber Campion in Santa Cruz, California

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When I started to write this love note to Amber Campion about the kind of woman she is, there were so many rich paths I could take. I could tell you about how she is so completely down to Earth, how she effortlessly folds all those around her into a warm presence and joy. I could have talked about the contradiction of a woman who thrives living in the great adventure of life as much as the quietest moment, you could be reading about how easy it is to feel gotten and connected in her presence, how her actions, movements words are equally authentic and intentional but what I want you to know about is how she lives the ethos of a fulfilled woman. I found this quote by MLK so relevant to the work that Amber Campion has been put on this beautiful planet to do “Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.”Amber is not only living the depth of a fulfilled woman, she wants us each to find that inaudible language of the heart that comes when WE find the satisfaction and happiness that comes from fully developing the gifts, qualities and character needed for our unique contribution to the world. It is with her unique gifts (master yogini and writer), qualities (joy and presence) and character (principled, forthright and sincere) that she wants to lead you down the path to your own unutterable fulfillment.



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Personal Branding Photography with Amy Matthews in San Francisco, California

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Doesn’t it boggle your mind sometimes when you realize that you are making decisions based on some arbitrary out dated belief and denying yourself what it is you are truly wanting? It boggles Amy Matthews‘ mind and she is doing something about it! Inspired into action by a comment made by a dear friend about his recently passed wife, a smart, beautiful and successful woman who LOOOOVED brownies and never ate them, Amy starting noticing that so many people in her life were holding back on living their true desires now. Amy stepped away from her thriving executive recruiting practice and began coaching clients into discovering what limiting beliefs have been holding them back, what it is they truly desire and then mapping out how to get them there. Her impact is not isolated to her skillful coaching, Amy is a role model in choosing again and again to look below the surface, find her desires and dance in the direction of freedom and joy!


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Personal Branding Photography with Rosemarie Ballmer in Paris, France

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There are some photoshoot days when the rain is welcome. It adds a certain “moodiness” and new locations are discovered in necessity. Then there are the rainy days when they show the true vibrancy and brightness of the subject. Rosemarie Ballmer‘s photoshoot was one of those days! As a successful love coach living in Switzerland and at the top of her game, a rainy day was just as much a reason to celebrate as a sunny one. It is her business to not just help her clients to fall in love with each other, it is also her business to have you fall in love with the beauty and joy of your whole life. It was tough not to have the refrain from Singing in the Rain going through my thoughts as I worked with Rosemarie Ballmer and it is a tribute to the way this woman lives her ethos to read the lyrics “The sun’s in my heart, And i’m ready for love.” and think of course, when the sun is your heart the way it is in Rosemarie‘s you can’t help but rejoice each day and inevitably fall in love with life again and again!


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Personal branding Photography with Megan LaRussa Chenoweth in Paris, France

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Megan LaRussa‘s photoshoot broke my heart over and over again. Every look this accomplished stylist wore was so “omg, perfect from head to toe” that it felt like a heart break to change out of. This woman knows how to look exquisite and it is soooo much more than the chic and fashionable clothing she wears, it is every bit the way she wears it. If you have the great privilege of getting acquainted with Megan you will discover that she is as elegantly and generously composed on the inside as the out, her heart is gracious and her vision is bright. For me the South and Southern Women has always conjured impeccable style, unparalleled hospitality and singular kindness, Megan could easily be the model for today’s Southern woman, embodying all that qualities I just mentioned with the head of an entrepreneur, the wisdom of a 21st century millennial and the compassion of a studied coach. Step into the World of Megan LaRussa Chenoweth and let your life be transformed from the outside in.


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Personal Branding Photography with Brandy Middleton in Paris, France

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Brandy Middleton is one of a kind. As elegant as she is spunky and as original as she is driven and with enough gumption and laughter to power a rocket ship, Brandy takes women entrepreneurs to task around that “oh so hard to manage, automate or handle” area of personal finance. Not only does she teach women entrepreneurs how to make money, manage and automate their finances, She also wants to help you get rid of the s*** that holds you back. It is NO surprise that Brandy feels so at home in Paris, a city of as much innovation as sophistication, as modern thinking as it is historically beautiful, the two are well suited as they are impossible to “box in” and effortlessly bring a smile to most.


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Personal Branding Photography with Helen Fitness in Paris, France

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Helen Fitness wants to give you a job, she wants to make you the CEO of your own life. She is done with seeing ambitious inspired creative thinkers slogging through jobs that leave them burnt out and unfulfilled. The adventurous sort who has lived the planet over discovered herself after a career in finance that there were ways she too was holding back on truly living, truly thriving. Now, an accomplished speaker and career coach, Helen works with early stage women entrepreneurs to create the life of their dreams from the ground up. The world is Helen’s oyster and she wants it to be your as well!



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Personal Branding Photography with Sarah Buchanan-Smith in Paris, France

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When you talk to a woman like Sarah Buchanan-Smith, you get it! You get what Anais Nin meant when she said “Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.” Sarah gets it, she is an adventurous, smart and ambitious women who at some point lost touch with the things that bring juice and joy to her life. Not so much inspired but more compelled to build a business that not only allows for adventure but is built on the premise that it is necessary! She wants you to feel the deeply satisfying well spent life force that comes with living, truly. She wants you to discover that your feeling rundown or out of gas is a result of your not going full guns in the direction of your dreams. Sarah wants you to start living your life of adventure now and she is here to help you find your way!


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