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Wendy Yalom

Ready To Discover What 2016 Has In Store For You

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

I wonder if Lao-tzu could imagine that when he said “Every journey begins with a single step.” that over two millennia later, millions would hold it as a sacred call to move forward boldly bravely and beautifully in the direction of their dreams?

When I think of the messages that are being called forth by the women I have the privilege of serving and their willingness to YES, take that first step toward creating the kind of World they believe is possible, I feel incredible joy and confidence that we are living into an era of our full collective and individual potential being realized. I see each of these women as being harbingers, carrying an important piece of the universal puzzle that leads to Liberation and that their willingness to take that first step is not only a step along their path but a step for Freedom as a whole.

Is 2016 your year to take that next step? Let us serve you by creating photographs that move others, make impact and support your message being heard!

Contact us today at http://www.wendykyalom.com/contact/ or at studio@wendykyalom.com and and let us partner you on your journey!

To your 2016 being bold, beautiful and brilliant!



Where 2015 Took Me

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart

In the last 12 months, I’ve traveled over 75,000 miles (by air?!?!!?), captured close to 80 successful and spectacular Personal Branding Photoshoots, half a dozen omg-so-beautiful weddings, 4 kick-a** live events, hundreds of miles purposefully wandered through 7 different countries and I feel more content than ever before. I love my home, my incredible clients, my gorgeous friends. In 2015, by the Grace of God and necessity itself, I gave up worrying and it is impossible to quantify the positive impact this has had on my well being. I’m in awe, each year at this time of year, I’m left with that “drop to my knees tears in my eyes thank you” and just now for the first time in my life do I get that the spiral continues onward and upward as long as I’m willing to let it take me.

What 2016 has to hold, I am in anticipation and delight to discover.


Personal Branding Photography with Bryan Franklin in San Francisco, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Two of the men I admire most on the Planet, Business strategist Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg, author of The Education of Millionaires, have teamed up to present a blueprint for building “True Wealth,” the ability to generate not just financial wealth, but also the experiences you cherish most: security, freedom, creative expression and love.

They have put their hearts and souls into writing “The Last Safe Investment; Spending Now to Increase Your True Wealth Forever” (available now on amazon – http://amzn.to/1LT9AMD ) for 3.5 years, to answer this single question:

**How can you re-think investing in yourself and your future, in a way that pays off personally, and at the same time will work for everyone and heal the global economy?**

Discarding traditional advice, Franklin and Ellsberg propose the Self-Amplifying Financial Ecosystem (SAFE) plan. This plan teaches you:

–> The smallest investments you can make, that make the biggest impact on your value to other people, multiplying your earning potential

–> The secret to accumulating savings without willpower or deprivation

–> How to invest in life’s richest experiences, that money can’t buy

–> The “Super Skills”, the most valuable, sought-after, rewarded, and universally beneficial human skills

–> Why most people are throwing away huge sums of money in the quest for happiness, and how to spend that money more effectively.

This bold manifesto will change the way you think about money, wealth, investment, and spending forever.10247334_10153788042997641_4237503836544209209_n

Curious about personal branding photography in San Francisco, California?

Contact us today.

Personal Branding Photography with Michael Ellsberg in San Francisco, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot
Two of the men I admire most on the Planet, Business strategist Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg, author of The Education of Millionaires, have teamed up to present a blueprint for building “True Wealth,” the ability to generate not just financial wealth, but also the experiences you cherish most: security, freedom, creative expression and love.
They have put their hearts and souls into writing “The Last Safe Investment; Spending Now to Increase Your True Wealth Forever” (available now on amazon – http://amzn.to/1LT9AMD ) for 3.5 years, to answer this single question:

**How can you re-think investing in yourself and your future, in a way that pays off personally, and at the same time will work for everyone and heal the global economy?**

Discarding traditional advice, Franklin and Ellsberg propose the Self-Amplifying Financial Ecosystem (SAFE) plan. This plan teaches you:

–> The smallest investments you can make, that make the biggest impact on your value to other people, multiplying your earning potential

–> The secret to accumulating savings without willpower or deprivation

–> How to invest in life’s richest experiences, that money can’t buy

–> The “Super Skills”, the most valuable, sought-after, rewarded, and universally beneficial human skills

–> Why most people are throwing away huge sums of money in the quest for happiness, and how to spend that money more effectively.

This bold manifesto will change the way you think about money, wealth, investment, and spending forever.


Curious about personal branding photography in San Francisco, California?

Contact us today.

Personal Branding Photography with Vrinda Normand in Santa Cruz, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Vrinda Normand is one of those woman that defies logic in the most irresistible way; the heart and soul of a woman whose mindfulness is rooted as deeply in her bones as her marrow, the vision and attention of top-of-her-game flourishing entrepreneur, the delight and seduction of a true performer and an absolutely spellbinding beauty. Savvy and self-possessed, Vrinda has not only has what it takes to captivate, she also has the ability to teach others to do the same. Want your branding, your copy, your videos, your branding, your life to entice? Find Vrinda and let her be your guide.12348088_10153782799682641_1815589935351367595_n

Curious about personal branding photography in Santa Cruz, California?

Contact us today.

Personal Branding Photography with Susie Franscini Davis in Miami, Florida

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Love starts with Susie Franscini Davis and it doesn’t stop. From the moment you set your ear to the phone and you hear this woman whose holy path started in a suit, in a job, in a life that left her unfulfilled and when and how she discovered freedom was possible for her now to the moment when you see her glowing smile and feel her warm authentic gratitude you are destined to fall in love. In love with her kindness, in love with her creative and beautiful joy, in love with possibility, in love with the depth of her gratitude. It is no doubt this prolific and talented woman is succeeding at guiding other women to love, accept and respect themselves. First. Foremost and Fu12345473_10153757649927641_8589973300431140771_n

Curious about personal branding photography in Miami, Florida? Contact us today.

Personal Branding Photography with Shawn Neff in Miami, Florida

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Depth, Wisdom, Miracle Worker, Shawn Neff inspires ease and presence through the modern art of the mystic. As driven by the joy of living, her connection to spirit and her desire to live a rich luscious life, Shawn treats every moment as an opportunity to be fully expressed, fully alive and fully gorgeous! It is with both the wisdom of ages as with a life of clear purposeful experience that Shawn acts as a Master Wellness Architect of the new era of Radiant Wellness shepherding women through a luxurious journey to discover their own excellence.

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Curious about personal branding photography in Miami, Florida? Contact us today.

Personal Branding Photography with Nina Miller Stone in New York City

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

When I was young, Sesame Street was one of the places I “went” to feel celebrated for being me, for being a kid and for being happy, excited, interested in doing what it is that little ones do! Times have changed and still having that place, that person who makes the young ones feels like it is all about them, could not be more important. Today, Miss Nina is that person, that place to so many. Having a voice of a siren uniquely designed to lure open the hearts of adults and children alike, if you want a songstress to cause a panic of play and fun, you had better find one with the kind of spunk, sass and sheer unmitigated delight that Miss Nina Miller Stone has. A woman destined to create a wake of magic and glee and celebration wherever she goes, it is impossible to spend a day with this luscious beauty and her signature pink guitar and not feel like everyday is your birthday!12308773_10153754198322641_3233776674697328545_n

Curious about personal branding photography in New York City? Contact us today.