
Personal Branding Photography with Rebecca Sophia in Florence Italy

A woman as committed to her success and as voracious of a student and learner will reap what she sows not only in her own life, but also in the lives of those she touches. So it is with Rebecca Sophia. She is fiercely driven to create a life of elegance, pleasure and ease… a life and business that serve in an audacious and deeply satisfying way. While learning to trust her own inner wisdom in developing her online coaching business and leading a globe-trotting lifestyle, Rebecca has tapped into the wisdom within that guides her and is committed to achieving this same level of success with her clients. Rebecca’s charm, sophisticated style, energy and positive mindset are met brilliantly with her worldly experience, wealth of personal victories (cancer, motherhood and divorce to name a few) and her unwavering determination to serve. A tenacious traveler, we met up for a divine day in Florence and everything about Rebecca reminds me of the phrase, La Bella Vita – the good life.


Curious about personal branding photography in Florence, Italy?

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