My work is being featured in the New York Times.
I need to say that a second time because I’m overwhelmed with a giddy OMG-That-is-so-crazy-cool every time I hear it!
My work is being featured in the New York Times! Today!
In a Style-Section story about the rapidly-growing movement of having professional photographs taken for personal branding, social media and other social networking platforms. It’s an exciting week for me, yet also a week – like any other– where I wake up in my Paris apartment with the same dreams, desires, fears and doubts that are intrinsically part of what makes me me.
Of course, I’m ecstatic about being featured in the New York Times and each time I brag about it I’m overwhelmed with that Holy-Smokes-Dream-Come-True-Wow reality!
I’ve gotten used to these kinds of miracles in my business; spending a month in Paris, experiencing each woman I work with blossom in what feels like the blink of an eye, having a New York Times reporter contact me directly.

I wanted this: “This” being recognized – by the flippin’ NY Times no less – as the credible expert on Personal Branding Photography. “This” being the thought leader in My industry. “This” miracle that has become my life. And, all of it happening without a road map. I simply had a desire, a certain tenacity to keep moving forward in the direction of my dreams and this mantra from Rilke stamped on my mind:
“Have patience with all that is unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were rooms yet to enter or books written in a foreign language. Don’t search for answers that can’t be given you yet: you live them now. For everything must be lived. Live the questions now, perhaps then, someday, you will gradually, without noticing live into the answer.”
It is this willingness to live the uncertainty that each thriving entrepreneur will tell you is the secret to success in business. AND, I believe, to success in all areas of your life.
I’ve recently been falling in love with a smart, handsome, adventurous man…a good man who continually leaves me feeling adored, honored and loved. This morning, our easy closeness and buoyancy was interrupted by an ouch-ughh-not-what-i-want conversation — the kind that happens occasionally with authentically inspiring relationships…the relationships where each person is genuinely enhanced by the others’ contribution to their life. In this moment of “blah” every fiber of my being wanted to shut down and hide, my mind was desperate to figure it out so it wouldn’t happen again and it seemed easier to walk away then to be with the question of “Can our relationship survive this moment?” What it took was clear loving self-awareness to be in the question without trying to control or manipulate each other into knowing the answer. The answer we lived into was “yes, this is survivable.” Within a day, we had integrated that experience into our partnership which left us both feeling freer and more honestly loved. What a great feeling, right?
Here is the thing, most people think that once you have reached a certain level of success or “readiness” your fear of the unknown diminishes. Actually, the amount of uncertainty you are willing to hold is directly proportional to the quality and reach of your impact both professionally and personally. Meaning the more successful you find yourself at love and life and career, the bigger game you are available to play and with each new game comes a whole new level of “uh-oh-is-this-going-to-work”.
Uncertainty grows along with success and so does your capacity to hold it.
What there is for you to discover is not only is it safe to be uncertain, if what you want is growth, your life depends on getting comfy with living the questions.
So, if you were to take anything from this email, I want you to take this;
1. Become friends with uncertainty. In fact, fall in love with it. That alone will set you free.
2. Pick up or check out the NY Times and share about it. (of course!)
3. Never quit. Never ever quit.
in Love and in Service,

p.s Curious about your own personal branding Photoshoot? Click here to contact us today.
p.p.s I’ll be in Southern Italy in early September and have two Personal Branding photoshoots available. Click here if Sicily is calling you!