
Through Wendy’s Lens-shaped Heart

City Girl Confidence & Grace Kelly

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot, Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart

It’s no surprise that a woman with a namesake like Grace Kelly is as stylish as she is bright and as confident as she is approachable. In the past 3 years, I’ve watched this gorgeous woman grow a Forbes-worthy brand and blog. Her latest program is in service to creating your own stylish international quality brand. I personally think Grace is one woman truly capable of getting you there! Curious to see what she is up to? Click here -> www.citygirlconfidence.com/sales/stylish-calls?ap_id=wendy

  Get more Weddings, Personal Branding Photoshoots, and Daily Doses of Beauty by liking our Facebook page.  in Love, Wendy Yalom

Get more Weddings, Personal Branding Photoshoots, and Daily Doses of Beauty by liking our Facebook page.

in Love,
Wendy Yalom

Gina DeVee Debuts Divine Living Magazine!

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart

The first time I worked with Gina DeVee, I remember the two of us huddled in front of her computer in Montecito and her revealing to me the vision she had for creating a lux lifestyle magazine that showcased all things divine living, we looked at fonts and colors and talked about some of the things she would write about. I was excited and enrolled and wanted to do whatever I could to help her realize it. Then last summer when she, Glenn and I were toasting to our NYT debut the question “What will we be toasting to this time next year in Paris?” And Gina answered “The magazine!” Truthfully, I felt cynical, or skeptical might be more accurate. I knew how much Gina wanted to devote her attention to realizing this dream and I also knew it had been a long time dream and that the effort to do it in a way that lined up w. the divine living brand was going to take some serious time, energy and financial investment. It is with absolute JOY that I share with you the inaugural issue of Divine Living magazine and an enormous “omg-woman-you-are-miracle !!” to Gina.

Wendy K Yalom Photography in Divine Living Magazine

This magazine is a brilliant, generous example of Gina’s core message to “Live the life of your dreams NOW!” Honored and Proud to have captured her inaugural cover and more than that to be aligned with a woman of such courage, conviction, grace and no holds barred chutzpah!!! Can not wait to toast this success tomorrow and discover what we will be celebrating in Paris 2016!! ENJOY – www.divineliving.com

Curl up with a big ol’ mug of Uncertainty and The New York Times

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart


My work is being featured in the New York Times.

I need to say that a second time because I’m overwhelmed with a giddy OMG-That-is-so-crazy-cool every time I hear it!

My work is being featured in the New York Times! Today!

In a Style-Section story about the rapidly-growing movement of having professional photographs taken for personal branding, social media and other social networking platforms. It’s an exciting week for me, yet also a week – like any other– where I wake up in my Paris apartment with the same dreams, desires, fears and doubts that are intrinsically part of what makes me me.

Of course, I’m ecstatic about being featured in the New York Times and each time I brag about it I’m overwhelmed with that Holy-Smokes-Dream-Come-True-Wow reality!

I’ve gotten used to these kinds of miracles in my business; spending a month in Paris, experiencing each woman I work with blossom in what feels like the blink of an eye, having a New York Times reporter contact me directly.

I wanted this: “This” being recognized – by the flippin’ NY Times no less – as the credible expert on Personal Branding Photography. “This” being the thought leader in My industry. “This” miracle that has become my life. And, all of it happening without a road map. I simply had a desire, a certain tenacity to keep moving forward in the direction of my dreams and this mantra from Rilke stamped on my mind:

“Have patience with all that is unresolved in your heart, and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were rooms yet to enter or books written in a foreign language. Don’t search for answers that can’t be given you yet: you live them now. For everything must be lived. Live the questions now, perhaps then, someday, you will gradually, without noticing live into the answer.”

It is this willingness to live the uncertainty that each thriving entrepreneur will tell you is the secret to success in business. AND, I believe, to success in all areas of your life.

I’ve recently been falling in love with a smart, handsome, adventurous man…a good man who continually leaves me feeling adored, honored and loved. This morning, our easy closeness and buoyancy was interrupted by an ouch-ughh-not-what-i-want conversation — the kind that happens occasionally with authentically inspiring relationships…the relationships where each person is genuinely enhanced by the others’ contribution to their life. In this moment of “blah” every fiber of my being wanted to shut down and hide, my mind was desperate to figure it out so it wouldn’t happen again and it seemed easier to walk away then to be with the question of “Can our relationship survive this moment?”  What it took was clear loving self-awareness to be in the question without trying to control or manipulate each other into knowing the answer. The answer we lived into was “yes, this is survivable.” Within a day, we had integrated that experience into our partnership which left us both feeling freer and more honestly loved. What a great feeling, right?

Here is the thing, most people think that once you have reached a certain level of success or “readiness” your fear of the unknown diminishes. Actually, the amount of uncertainty you are willing to hold is directly proportional to the quality and reach of your impact both professionally and personally. Meaning the more successful you find yourself at love and life and career, the bigger game you are available to play and with each new game comes a whole new level of “uh-oh-is-this-going-to-work”.

Uncertainty grows along with success and so does your capacity to hold it.

What there is for you to discover is not only is it safe to be uncertain, if what you want is growth, your life depends on getting comfy with living the questions.

So, if you were to take anything from this email, I want you to take this;
1. Become friends with uncertainty. In fact, fall in love with it. That alone will set you free.
2. Pick up or check out the NY Times and share about it. (of course!)
3. Never quit. Never ever quit.

in Love and in Service,

p.s Curious about your own personal branding Photoshoot? Click here to contact us today.

p.p.s I’ll be in Southern Italy in early September and have two Personal Branding photoshoots available. Click here if Sicily is calling you!



What no one tells you about following your bliss

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart

When I was 16, my dad introduced me to yoga and gave me a copy of Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces. I read it along with the copy of Chogyam Trungpa’s Shambala that he also gave me. I didn’t “get it” AT ALL and truth be told, I was willing to fake it if it meant I would feel closer to my dad.

Fast forward, 24 years and here I sit at a cafe in Paris, after a delicious yoga class, preparing to capture 11 extraordinary women and a powerful live event lead by my dear and beloved friend Success coach Gina DeVee with over 100 more. I’m being well compensated for creating unforgettable transformational Personal Branding Photoshoots for these women and know that the more of myself I give to each of them the more enlivened I will be.

So, I’m sitting here at lunch after yoga and I’m reminded of one particularly memorable line from Joseph Campbell –

“Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where once there were only walls”

and I realize that after 24 years I’ve just naturally “gotten it”. I now get what it means to follow my bliss.

Most people think that following your bliss means always taking the path of ease and “flow” but what it actually means is you have to give everything you’ve got in service to your heart’s desire. {share it}


5 years ago, I had a dream of coming here to Paris and photographing women. I had just started offering the kindergarten version of my personal branding photoshoots and started looking around for how to make it happen; asking a girlfriend who offered a retreat here, asking other girlfriends if they wanted to collaborate on something and all I discovered were walls. Walls where I wanted to discover doors.

The dream settled in my heart and I put my attention back on doing everything I could to build my brand, to hone my skills and take on the time and financial investment of developing what is now my signature Personal Branding Photography Experience. I spent more money than I had to spend, I moved forward in the face of exhaustion and hopelessness and every self doubt and fear, I said YES to my heart’s desire and it took everything I had to follow my bliss.

Now everywhere I look I see doors where once there were only walls; month long stays in Paris, Italy, New York, Australia, as many clients as I can handle and a full team to support me and the women I serve.

I have something special for you – 3 simple mantras to start discovering your own doorways. They aren’t effortless by any means and trust me, they will serve you well to follow;

1. Trust your desire, your bliss even if you have no idea how you are ever going to get there.

2. Be willing to say YES even if you doubt yourself.

3. Continue to give everything you can and then give more and then give more and then give more and never stop giving everything you possibly can.

Now, go out there and get to work! The world needs all of you.

In Love and in Service,

p.s. Are you following my adventures on facebook? Oh, please do, click here and follow me.

Win a $40 gift card to iTunes or Samovar!

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart

Tell us your favorite quote about LOVE below!

If we select yours as the favorite, you will win a $40 GIFT CARD to Samovar Tea House OR a $40 iTunes card, whichever you prefer! How cool is that? Inspire our hearts opening and possibly win a prize, double bonus!! Share in the comments field below with your name/email and on Tuesday, May 1, we will announce the winner!

no longer than 4 sentences.
can be about the universal or romantic kind of love
does not need to have the word love in the quote
can be penned by a famous person, anonymous or personal
include the name of the author if you know it
have fun

Once you have submitted the comment it will go through our webmaster for “verification”. Once they are verified as submissions, they will appear in the comment field. If the winning quote is shared multiple times, the first suubmission will receive the prize.


in Love,


The one that got away

By | Through Wendy's Lens-shaped Heart, Weddings

I’m sitting right now at a beach side restaurant in St. Lucia. If you know me well you’ve probably heard me sharing effusively about coming here to capture a wedding. YUP! I’m working. How cool is that? I think it is unbelievably cool, so cool that on more than one occasion since I’ve been here I’ve laughed out loud at the pinch me nature of my life.

Megan and Ryan’s gorgeous white-sand-beach-palm-tree-Caribbean-sunset wedding was Saturday and exceeded everyone’s expectations for perfect. I’ll share the photos in the next few days and you’ll see what I mean.

What I want to share about now is THE shot I didn’t get. I think maybe I’m not suppose to share about what I missed and when you see the photos you’ll see for yourself that their wedding day experience was brilliantly and beautifully captured. So why is it that with hundreds of gorgeous wedding photos I’m stuck on “the one that got away”? Martha Graham seems to have nailed it when she said this – No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.

I have no idea if “the shot that got away” would even have been worth sharing AND I trust the perfection of never being completely satisfied, instead always a divine dissatisfaction that keeps me striving, creating, expanding and giving more & more of myself. I invite you to take on your own version of dissatisfaction as a sweet personal call to action, your own personal “what more can I create/give/try?” and embrace it as a gift from your internal cheer squad, not the rah-rah team that wants you to always think you are a winner but the cheer leaders who are constantly calling you into the greatest version of yourself and never letting you rest on your laurels. That part of yourself is truthfully on your side.