
Personal Branding Photography with Noelle Martien in Oakland, California

There are few women as bright and committed and driven and as chill about it all as Noelle Martien. Having been on her own incredible journey of discovering what well-being and success authentically looks and feels like, she has quickly lived into the practice of touching in, checking out and then going for what she wants, no holding back, saying YES AND even when parts of her say “really, are you sure?” I always know that the women I’m working with is destined for real impact when she’s willing to not only do the work but willing to lead by shining example to her friends and community while she is still in the process of figuring it all out! Noelle, I’m inspired by your vision and your tenacity and your surrendered willingness. Proud and honored to have captured your beauty!

Wendy K Yalom, Personal Branding Photography

Curious about personal branding photography in Oakland, California?

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