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Wendy Yalom

Brand Photography with Nina Horne in San Francisco, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

Nina Horne is a modern day woman if I ever saw one and a beautiful example of the power of yesing your life . A visionary and academic vanguarding the conversation of how to prepare teens and young adults mentally and emotionally to thrive and succeed. It’s easy to see how a woman as textured and alive as Nina is succeeding. At times tenderly supporting other parents whose children are suffering through mental pain, at times liberated and alive on the dance floor, at times thoughtfully present when seated on her cushion or teaching mindfulness and at times direct and problem-solving when she’s working with VCs and University Administrators to implement sweeping programs supporting growing populations of students who don’t know where else to turn at times of turmoil, it would be impossible to put this incredible woman into any one box and thank Goddess for that!


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Branding Photography with The HueMan Experience in San Francisco, California

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

There are few things that excite and brighten me as much as someone committed to helping others find agreement with the present moment. Using ritual and medicine ceremony as a way in, Rhonda, David, Emanuele and Jessica are doing something revolutionary with ancient modalities to get at an age old wisdom.The HueMan Experience is committed to supporting individuals awakening not only to the myriad colors of human nature but to the liberation and freedom of being here right now! — with Emanuele PaniJessica Mishler, Rhonda Smith and David Downs


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Brand Photography with Joan Snyder Kuhl in New York City

By | Personal Branding Photoshoot

If I was to guess at Joan Snyder Kuhl’s credo it would be “Let me know what I can do to help you?” This stunning speaker, educator and author believes that change at the personal level as well as the global level will happen when women dig in at the top levels of industry and come together in support of one another’s success. Spend any time with this seasoned executive & consultant, you will not only feel hopeful for how far we’ve come but optimistic about the great work to still be done. Start by picking up a copy of her book – Dig Your Heels In (https://www.amazon.com/Dig-Your-Heels-Navigate-Corporate/dp/152309835X), a must read for any woman who wants to move the future toward gender equality.

Curious about Personal branding Photography in New York?

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