
Personal Branding Photography with Polly Alexandre in Ibiza

When you ask Polly Alexandre about her particular genius when it comes to coaching, it’s clear that she is the abracadabra that all sharp business owners and entrepreneurs need. It’s as much about her keen business acumen, her loving clarity of presence, her willingness to say what she knows needs to be said and it’s more than that. Polly possesses some ineffable magic that client after client experiences in real world results. Here deliberately and divinely crafted life day to day is easily the stuff of which the most epic lifestyle photoshoots are made of and It’s no wonder that a woman with Polly’s acute presence, impeccable style and infectious joy has a life that seems like a never ending always expanding story of how can one girls dreams continue to be fulfilled again and again. Polly, I can’t tell you what an honor and a joy and a privilege and an omg, really, wow experience it was to capture you and your incredible life in Ibiza. Thank you for heeding the call to make this happen. To your ever expanding. xow12096421_10153642326517641_8769620164964110406_n

Curious about personal branding photography in Ibiza? Contact us today.