
Personal Branding Photography with Murielle Marie Ungricht in Rome, Italy

It is hard to imagine a woman as feminine and free asĀ Murielle Marie Ungricht ever being anything but and when you hear her story of hard won tech success and spontaneous liberation, her femininity and freedom suddenly gains depth and definition. A woman whose journey has been one of bold and courageous self love through the elation as well as the uncertain, a woman who lives the paradox of modern wisdom and timeless sensibility, a woman whose great work was obvious for decades and a woman who playfully discovers day in and day out the miraculous life she has been destined to lead. She may be the very modern definition of a party girl, one who has imagined and manifested a life that looks like a celebration day in and day out, one where the whole world is the venue and the guest of honor is our own selves, finding joy and play in all of it.


Curious about personal branding photography in Rome, Italy? Contact us today.