
Personal Branding Photography with Katya Sarmiento in Miami, Florida

Where do I possibly begin with a 20 year old innovator in the body of a model with the brain of a tech queen and the heart of a woman committed to everybody having transformed their belief structures into ones of understanding, possibility and success. Katya Sarmiento, I believe you are designed to globally lead all generations gen Y, gen X, millennials into a brighter, more collaborative future. Your edginess invokes the sharp beautiful places we sometimes fear to tread and in doing so discover our own greatness. It blows my mind at how effortlessly and authentically you lead. I would say THANK YOU and imagine you thinking something like “it’s just what I do” Honored to contribute to you in any way I can!!
Wendy K Yalom, Personal Branding Photographer | KATYA SARMIENTO Wendy K Yalom, Personal Branding Photographer | KATYA SARMIENTO Wendy K Yalom, Personal Branding Photographer | KATYA SARMIENTO


Curious about personal branding photography in Miami, Florida? Contact us today.