
Brand Photoshoot with Georgia Brown in Majorca, Spain

When you’ve got a woman like Georgia on your mind, you’ve got a thoughtful and present woman who values health, balance and ease. On a life long journey to healing her health through healthful eating and physical well being, Georgia discovered that just eating clean and having a body practice were not always enough. That it was important to clearly understanding where imbalance lived in the body so you could address it directly. Incorporating functional lab testing, diet, lifestyle and mindset work Georgia Brown has taken the best of all her own work to help you GET WELL and not just functional but thriving. Working primarily with successful women entrepreneurs who are struggling with fatigue and overwhelm, this feisty and down to earth stunner is on a mission to help them (and you) get back your natural energy and vitality so you can live the life you long to be living.

Curious about personal branding photography in  Majorca?

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