If you know me you know I’m constantly inspired by the men and women I have the privilege of serving. And on the rare occasion, I cross paths with a woman like Kelly McNelis Senegor and her platform, Women For One I am motivated and moved by the impact one woman with passion, a naturally unique ability to connect and a heart of service can have. If you aren’t familiar w. Women for One and it’s founder Kelly, what you can expect to find is a woman who has created a global sisterhood of women from all walks and races of life who are empowered by sharing their stories and creating a unified field of humanity, relatedness and belonging. Kelly is the heart and soul of women for one and her willingness to let it be vulnerable, let it be wild and let it be real is also the core of her message – embracing the messy and resting in authenticity is where you will find freedom. Allow yourself to be naturally magnetized to this wonderfully real and unconditionally loving leader, her lead will help light your way.
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