
Personal Branding Photography with Jena La Flamme in Madison Square Park, New York

There are few women as lusciously, deliciously on brand as highly-esteemed author Jena La Flamme; Pleasurable Weight loss, Pleasurable Belly Dance, Pleasurable just about anything and you can assume that Jena lives there. I work with countless women who bemoan “if only I was 10, 15, 20 pounds lighter.” And what I know is true for me is that restriction and withholding pleasure are the fastest routes to failing. If I want to make lasting change I have to LOVE my new routine and that is exactly what Jena offers thousands of hopeless dieters, a way to love their lives, enjoy food and discover a loving and beloved relationship to their bodies. Darling Jena thank you for so sensuously transforming the way we each day yes ourselves and our desires! Thank you for being so succulently you!

Personal Branding Photoshoot with Jena La Flamme in New York


 Curious about personal branding photography in NYC, New York? Contact us today.